Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Harvest Begins

Today we started to bring in some chardonnay from Puligny and Chassagne. This year's fruit is looking awesome so no sorting table, just a little triage as we throw it onto the conveyer into the press (pneumatic, for about 2 hrs). As I rode my bike to work early this morning it was just starting to get light out and I saw truck after truck loading up people to go out to pick. There is so much energy in the air here in Beaune as the harvest kicks off.

Pips and skins after pressing

Hauling out the skins - negociants have to weigh their skins so the government can be sure they aren't secretly making Marc and avoiding paying tax on it. One of the many Fr. gov. regulations.

Last night was the the first harvest dinner..Alex's friends Henry and Stasia are cooking for the vendage crew. They are excellent chefs! 
The blind bottles last night included: 2000 Amiot-Servelle Chambolle-Musigny magnum; 1996 Alex Gambal Volnay Robardelles magnum; 2000 Nicolas Potel Volnay Santenots. 

Last night's menu

The chefs at work

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