Sunday, September 6, 2009


Yesterday we spent all day doing prelevemant, which is the pre-harvest sampling of the grapes to measure acid and sugar levels to determine when to harvest. We spend the day driving to all of the parcels that Alex Gambal is getting fruit from this year and collecting 15 bunches from each site. Some of the parcels he owns, some he buys the fruit from the owner. It was a beautiful day - today as well. The weather has been excellent and the fruit is in great shape: good ripeness, good flavors, good acidity too. It is looking like picking will begin on Wednesday. 

It was fun to taste the grapes from all of the different vineyard sites and taste the differences in ripeness levels and flavors. The Chassagne-Montrachet Village parcel that Alex has is right next to the 1er cru Criottes Batard Montrachet. The difference is a couple of feet. This is Burgundy. Terroir terroir terroir!

Picking some samples in Clos de Vougeot

The samples back at the cuverie

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